Saturday, May 11, 2019

Lab DSP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Lab DSP - Essay ExampleTable 1 indicates that judge values are the same with programs values.Rectangular window run low was utilized to bod low-pass filters in MATLAB with window length M=2, 45, 65 and =0.2 as cut-off frequency. The graphs for impulse response, pole-zero, and magnitude function (linear as well as dB) were drawn.In the first experiment, three LPFs of varying lengths, length M = 25, 45, 65 as well as a 0.2 cut-off frequency were designed. Many observations were made during filter design process. The rectangular functions main lobe width is 4/M. The main lobes width narrows as M increases, touch transition width and increasing its gradient. Increasing M reduces a large transition width, which is an unwanted effect. The field of force below the side lobes ride out unchanged with signals retaining the ripples. High side lobe as well as stopband fading of -13 db and -21 dB respectively makes the rectangular function undesirable to use. Using a different window func tion with lower side lobes as well as stop band attenuations is the only mode to overcome.Poles-zeros plot significantly affect response frequency when ascertaining the poles/zeros position in the unit circle, thus remain very crucial for the experiment. Unit circle zeros make response to move towards zero, which are components of stopband clip. Zeros that are components of passband range produce ripples during passband frequency, thus repair the signal, which consequently affects filter accuracy. Zeros ranging 0- are crucial because those that are outside do not have impact on the filter response. The poles at zero only have impact on the height of the passband.All window functions, including rectangular, hamming and Blackman, were used in MATLAB to design low-pass filters where length, M was 25 and cut-off frequency was =0.2. The graphs for impulse response,

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