Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Exceptional Students Essay -- Teaching Education

Exceptional Students Every year there are changes made about a shavers education, in the attempt to provide the best education possible for babyren. In recent years, the education of students with disabilities, who were previously not educated in the unfluctuating school system, has been publicly debated. The idea of inclusion, or mainstreaming has received a great deal of support. Although there is the need to adapt programs and sometimes classroom environments for the child with additional needs, there are many clears for all that are included in this situation. This paper will define the phrase mainstreaming, and what constitutes a child with disabilities. The role that teachers get within the classroom is one that will affect all students. The importance of teachers will be discussed as to their influence on children and parents. As well, strategies that a child and youth care worker could use when working with the incapacitate will be discussed. Over the pas t 30-35 years there have been much promotion made towards the education of students with disabilities. Students with disabilities can include students with mental retardation, hearing impairment (deafness), speech or language impairments, visual impairments (blindness), serious emotional disturbance, orthopedic impairment, autism, traumatic brain injury, health impairments, or learning disabilities. (Deiner 1993, p. 27) In the past, disabled children were often placed in institutions, or kept in the home, with no form of education. Educating the disabled was thought to be a waste of time, since their future roles were limited. At the present time, inclusion begins early, within the schools, and continues throughout the life span, through employment. There has be a significant shift away from the placement of disabled children in institutions, and instead into the classroom. This idea of mainstreaming means moving handicapped children to the least restrictive environment, away from segregate classes and into regular classes. These changes have occurred for many reasons. Parents began to advocate for their disabled children, and put pressure on administration and lawmakers to allow children equal chances. Federal legislature ruled in favor of the development of special education programs. Court decisions ruled in favor of every childs right to receive public education. The ... ...vel of employed behaviors. The ability for the teacher and special education teacher to work together in a team teaching role will definitely benefit the student (Logan, Bakeman & Keefe 1997). Planning is the key to successful disabled children. As a child and youth worker you need to be able to adapt programs for children, found on their ability, and be willing to help them reach their goals. BibliographyReferencesScruggs, T.E., & Mastropieri, M.A. (1996). Teacher Perceptions of Mainstreaming/Inclusion, 1958-1995 A Research Synthesis. Exceptional Children, 63(1) 59-74.Field, S. (1996). Self-Determination Instructional Strategies for Youth with encyclopaedism Disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 29(1), 40-59.Logan, K.R., Bakeman, R. & Keefe, E.B. (1997). Effects of Instructuinal Variables on Engaged Behavior of Students with Disabilities in General Education Classrooms. Exceptional Children 63(4), 481-497.Goldson, E. (1998). Children with Disabilities and Child Maltreatment. Child Abuse & Neglect, 22(7), 663-667.Deiner, P.L. (1993). Resources for Teaching Children with Diverse Abilities. Harcourt Brace College Publishers, Orlando, Fl.

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