Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Joining - 1271 Words

| | |WORK EFFECTIVELY WITH DIVERSITY | | | | | | | |Teacher: Ian Parker | | | |Presented by: | |Barbara Cullen†¦show more content†¦Each country has its own culture. It may be expressed in many forms including religion and spiritual beliefs. Problems can arise in the workplace when it comes to these. People may feel alienated if they are of one particular religion and their colleagues are of another. They could come into direct conflict with employers or employees and feel discriminated against if their colleagues refuse to accept their beliefs. To solve this problem we see it as necessary to educate the workforce to be sensitive towards differences in beliefs. Workplaces could accommodate by recognising holidays, allowing prayer breaks and accommodate for dietary and dress requirements. 3) DIVERSITY OF RACE As was the case with religion, discrimination leaves people feeling alienated and devalued. This could reduce productivity for the business and without doubt reduce staff morale and enthusiasm. There are many steps management could take to create a diversity friendly work environment. For example, many cultures have names that people from other countries find difficult to pronounce. So instead of pronouncing the name incorrectly or asking the person to assign themselves a nickname, just take a moment to listen carefully and learn the correct pronunciation of their actual name. Also, avoid making race-related jokes and don’t assume that stereotypes are true. It is important to include all workers in decisionsShow MoreRelatedJoining804 Words   |  4 PagesTale of Two Airlines - Memorandum.doc Extracts from this document... 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This form of theatre held an element that allowed the audience experiencing it, to do so on an entirely new level. The incorporation and creation of the chorus had a tremendous effect on the overall experience of audiences everywhere. The Chorus remains onstage throughout the action of the play to show common emotionRead MoreJoining a Discourse Community1221 Words   |  5 Pages Gonzalez 2 students of this high school that played against other schools from the Venezuelan territory. So joining a Discourse community is a major part of life, because it can help you to grow as a human being, and to learn a lot of things that can turn helpful to become successful in the future, therefore through personal experiences one can demonstrate the importance of joining these communities thus to convey young people to understand that living this experience would give them the chanceRead MoreReasons For Joining A Union925 Words   |  4 Pagesworkforce; 11.7% of male workers are unionized while only 10.5% of female workers are (Union). Unions play a big role in the daily functionality of the United States, therefore Americans must be informed when making their final decision on whether or not joining a union will benefit them. When deciding to unionize people must weigh their options. Being a part of a labor union requires time and money, but in the end it may also save a person time, money, and peace of mind. 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The U.S. Army traces it s heritage back to the 1600 s and the period of colonization.(Historcal Dictionary of the US Army) Since then, the Army has changed. The Army has a lot more to offer now than it did Two Hundred and Thirty eight years ago. There are many benefits to joining the Army

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